What are the types of irregular LED splicing display screens?

The market for special-shaped LED display screens is huge, as they can be adjusted according to different environments and user needs are also different. The characteristic of special-shaped screens is that they have different shapes, such as arc screens, curved surfaces, Rubik’s Cube, etc. So what are the types of special-shaped LED splicing screens?

1. LED spherical screen

The LED spherical screen has a 360 ° full visual angle, allowing for all-round video playback. You can feel good visual effects from any angle, without any flat angle issues, and the viewing effect is good. At the same time, it can also directly project spherical objects such as the Earth and football onto the splicing screen as needed, making people feel lifelike and widely used in museums, technology museums, and exhibition halls.



2. LED text identification

LED text signs are assembled using specially designed LED modules of different specifications, without being limited by screen size. They can be flexibly assembled into any text, graphics, and logo that customers need. They are applied to rooftops of buildings, well-known enterprises, bank securities, municipal construction, landmark buildings, etc., and can enhance the commercial value of enterprises.

3. LED DJ table

Over the years, LED DJ stations have become standard features in some top bars and nightclubs. LED DJ stations can be paired with DJs to create the most eye-catching effect, making music and vision perfectly matched. By combining customized videos, DJ stations and LED large screen screens are integrated, allowing for independent playback, combined with large screen playback, or stacked playback, making the stage more layered.



4. LED Rubik’s Cube

LED Rubik’s Cube usually consists of six LED faces combined into a cube, which can also be irregularly spliced into a geometric shape, achieving a perfect connection with minimal gaps between faces. It can be viewed from any angle around, breaking away from the traditional flat panel display, and is suitable for installation in the atrium of bars, hotels, or commercial real estate, providing a new visual experience for the audience.

LED display screen

5. Arc-shaped LED splicing screen

The display surface of the splicing screen is a part of a cylindrical surface, and its unfolded image is a rectangle.

LED display screen

6. Irregular splicing screen

The splicing screen display surface is an irregular plane, such as a circle, triangle, or completely irregular plane.

7. Curved LED splicing screen

The display surface of the splicing screen is a three-dimensional curved surface, such as a spherical screen, a polyhedral screen, and a canopy.

8. LED strip screen

The display surface of a splicing screen is composed of several display strips, and this type of splicing screen has a large spacing between dots, high transparency, and low contrast.

The LED irregular splicing screen breaks the tradition of the large screen splicing system, which can only be spliced into cold rectangular shapes. It can be freely spliced into various irregular shapes to display highly creative content, not only attracting the attention of the audience in the first time and achieving better promotional effects, but also expanding the application range of LED splicing screens

Post time: May-09-2023