What are the applications of small pitch LED display screens in?

At present, LED display screen products have only entered the Chinese market for over 20 years, but the market has responded well, reflecting huge demand. The widespread demand for LED display screens is mainly due to their advantages of high-definition color displays, ultra stereoscopic, static like oil paintings, dynamic like movies, and wide integration with intelligent devices, rapidly occupying some areas of production and life, and starting to launch attacks in more fields. So, in what fields are small pitch LED displays applied? What areas will it develop in the future?

1、 Outdoor advertising market

(1) Street Advertising Bar

Outdoor streets have a large flow of people, and with the increasing emphasis on audience experience in advertising, the promotion and application of products such as small pitch LED displays and intelligent advertising machines have made LED products occupy the forefront market of outdoor advertising.

(2) Gas station

Gas stations have the advantages of wide coverage, large audience size, and better economic conditions, which are destined to bring greater marketing value through LED screens to better meet the needs of advertisers. Gas stations will be a major market in the LED display screen industry.

(3) Community media

The small pitch LED screens in the community can be simultaneously broadcasted through the central platform software, scrolling to display community life information such as weather, urban emergency information, public service advertisements, commercial advertisements, and life services. Provide convenience for residents and disseminate valuable information. With the maturity of technology and the further decline in prices, the application of LED displays in community media is increasing.


(4) Building curtain wall

According to statistics, there are over 70 million square meters of glass curtain walls in China, and such a huge amount of glass curtain walls is a huge potential market for outdoor media advertising. Coupled with the legs of construction media technology, it will be a new blue ocean for LED display screens to break through.

2、 Exhibition Stage Market

(1) Stage

The small pitch LED display screen makes the performance stage dazzling and dynamic, while the audience from afar can also watch the stage, adding color to the performance. And with the increasing number of small-scale performances and large-scale concerts, LED display screens will also have a broad market.

(2) Hotel Rental

In recent years, there has been a clear trend in the hotel industry, which is the increasing number of conferences, leading to a booming rental market for LED displays. Some star rated hotels are even considering installing fixed LED displays.

(3) Bar KTV

The application of shaped LED screens in bars has become an undeniable niche market, from the initial simple design to the perfect combination of small pitch LED screens and lighting, to the popularization of various shaped screens.

(4) Entertainment venues

With the popularization of the tourism industry, public amusement parks such as theme parks and amusement parks also tend to use LED displays as devices to display various information, which is expected to become the preferred display device for these places.


 3、 Intelligent society

(1) Smart City

In the field of smart city construction, public safety, transportation, and people’s livelihood are closely related to the application of LED displays, which will also promote the rapid development and popularization of its market.

(2) Video conferencing

The display terminals of video conferencing systems prefer LED displays with smaller spacing, which is not only a practical application need, but also

Post time: Jun-13-2023